Friday, November 30, 2012

newton's apple

my latest painting

 les pommes, 2012
acrylic on canvas

Thursday, November 29, 2012

gobble gobble

hard to believe thanksgiving day was just one week ago.
(and christmas will be here before we know it...crikey.)

i have to show off the awesome apple pie i had made for thanksgiving dessert:

i can't help but toot my own horn whenever i bake something from scratch
that ends up tasting as good as it looks (or vice-versa)
because it certainly doesn't happen very often! :)
i used this recipe from william sonoma for the pie dough and filling,
and i highly recommend it! the only alterations i made were
1) adding more water to the dough,
2) increasing the amount of cinnamon & nutmeg in the filling, and
3) making a lattice top crust instead of using decorative pie crust cutters.

c'est très délicieux!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

just desserts

bakery story has been eating up my time lately.
damn these addictive apps! ;)